vited to a hou separty ono wookond. We didn't know it, but all the other girls wore Lesbians."

"Losbians?" Chris asked.

"That's what female homosexuals are sometimes called."

"What happened?"

Miss Les laughed. "Nothing much. We discovered our mu❤ tual error and were very uncomfortable for a while. My friend and I loft soon after which made everyone fool better."



Chris again. "But but what happened? To the other girls?"

"Why, I supposo they wont on with their party."

"But what did they do?"

Miss Lee looked straight at Chris.


"If you mean how

do Lesbians entertain each other I don't know. I've It doesn't require

nover had any first-hand experience. too much imagination, though."

We finished our coffee and loft.

I was a step ahoad of Chris on the stairs, and she caught my hand. Lightly she held it, and nothing could have

priod me from her touch. "Do you believe that?"

I didn't turn around.

"Believe what?"

She came and stood beside me on the stair. "That girls can love each other."

Believe it? For a long time I had been aware that the only time of day that meant anything was the time spent in Miss Leo's suite sitting across from Chris, This I knew. More than this I could not imagine or fathom.

And so I said, "No. Do you?"


She dropped my hand. "I don't know. Maybe. Goodnight, Jenny."